What a tough time to be a senior rugby player with the rugbyseason having been cancelled due to the coronavirus. On the positive side, ChristianBrothers University (CBU), a small private college, located in Memphis, TN, isoffering all male and female rugby players a $4k rugby scholarship and up to$18k in merit-based scholarships based on super-scored ACTs. In addition, CBU hasall fees, match travel and accommodation paid for by the school’s administration.There are also some other scholarships available which can be seen at cbu.edu/scholarships.Nearby are more detailsabout CBU for the upcoming academic year along with Coach Colbridge’s contact info.Seniors are encouraged to apply at cbu.edu/apply andthen complete this form so that the team’s coach can add their rugbyscholarship to their overall financial package cbubucs.com/sb_output.aspx?form=3
RugbyHead Coach
ChristianBrothers University
(901)881 8620