Past Announcements

Browse Past Announcements In Chronological Order.

Mudturtles March Saturday March 15

To all of Union County Mudturtles FLAG, YOUTH, WOMEN, MEN, OLD BOYS, FRIENDS, AND FANS! We will be marching this Saturday 3/15/25 in the Union County Saint Patrick's Parade! All are invited to join. CLUB WIDE EVENT! We will be meeting 11am to 12 noon in the parking lot on Jeanette Ave Union, (across from the Boys and Girls club) Parade steps off at 1pm. Uniform of the day: Union County Rugby clothing, and or anything GREEN

Shorts Socks sales day 3/9/25 10-1pm


REMINDER, Shorts and Socks

Hello, OUR SHORTS ARE IN! You can purchase Shorts/Socks this Sunday 3/9/25 from 10am to 1pm at 25 E North Ave Cranford (WAXCETERA) from 10am - 1 pm. We will also have Mudturtle Merch available. We will only be accepting Credit cards/ Bank Cards. I will try to set up another Date / Time after the 9th for an additional sales day. Coaches WILL NOT have shorts at practices. Shorts $27.50 XS-XXL Socks $7.50 only Med and Large (any Navy soccer socks are acceptable) The shorts going forward will have our Youth Crest on them, if you have older CLUB shorts already, those are fine for games. Thanks Coach John

Brad Dufek National Colligiate Rugby Webinar

Hello, A reminder Tonight!!! Please join us, this promises to be a special event. Brad Dufek of National Collegiate Rugby will be our guest speaker. We all think this is a great opportunity for our Players who are thinking about going to college in the future and playing Rugby. The coaching staff would like to ask that you (Parents and Players) please join us March 5th at 8pm for a very special Webinar. Host Brad Dufek will join our Youth Rugby teams U12 - U18 to discuss the world of College Rugby. Brad is the Men's Rugby Director and Division I & II Commissioner for National Collegiate Rugby (NCR) with over 600 universities now members - Division 1, 1 AA, 2, and 3. Topics to be discussed include: - What college rugby is like - College rugby landscape - Structure, divisions, organizations, travel, matches, tournaments, 7's, 15's etc - How to get noticed by college coaches and get your name out there - What advantages rugby can provide to college students (economic, academic, structure) - Plus Brad will be taking Q & A This is Brad's first time joining the Mudturtles so let's make him feel welcome, as this is an unparalleled opportunity to learn more about Rugby after high school. Link included in email Meeting ID: 894 9875 3230 Passcode: Union When Wednesday Mar 5, 2025 ⋅ 8pm – 9:30pm (Eastern Time - New York)

Webinar Zoom Link

Shorts Socks sales day 3/9/25

Hello, OUR SHORTS ARE IN! You can purchase Shorts/Socks this Sunday 3/9/25 from 10am to 1pm at 25 E North Ave Cranford (WAXCETERA) from 10am - 1 pm. We will also have Mudturtle Merch available. We will only be accepting Credit cards/ Bank Cards. I will try to set up another Date / Time after the 9th for an additional sales day. Coaches WILL NOT have shorts at practices. Shorts $27.50 XS-XXL Socks $7.50 only Med and Large (any Navy soccer socks are acceptable) The shorts going forward will have our Youth Crest on them, if you have older CLUB shorts already, those are fine for games. Thanks Coach John

Exciting News! Please read

Hello, I have exciting news for our youth Rugby program! After many years without a Girls High School Rugby team, we are looking to start one up again. So please help us get this done and forward this email to any High School girls you know who may be interested. Included is a link for an interest form, it is our hope we can make this happen this year. Thanks Coach John John McElroy Director of Youth Rugby

Girls High School interest form


Registration link below, apologies.


Registration, Shorts/Socks

Good afternoon, Spring 2025 registration is open. Take advantage of early registration discounts. Registration is full price as of midnight 3/1. U12/U14 $250 up to the deadline $275 as of 3/1 U16/U18 $300 up to the deadline $350 as of 3/1. Please get registered. Remember two step registration 1st create an account on RUGBYXPLORER (link included) and register with USA RUGBY/XPLORER get your registration number. Step two come back here to our website and register your player. You must have a registration number from USA RUGBY to complete the second step. I also wanted to remind everyone that we have a ' Bring a friend discount' bring a friend to a practice if they register you get a $50 dollar credit/refund so tell your friends (up to registration cost). Next Item SHORTS & SOCKS we have ordered youth shorts and socks that you can purchase from us. The price for both are $35 for the set or $27.50 Shorts , $7.50 socks. We are supplying these items at cost in the interest of everyone looking 'Uniform'. If you have shorts already and don't need them, no problem the older shorts are fine. You purchase the shorts/ socks Jerseys are given out game day and returned at the end of the game, I promise they get washed in between use. I will be sending another email with a date and time to come purchase them COACHES will not have stock at practices. I expect it will be the upcoming week. I'll get that info out as soon as possible, so keep an eye out. Finalized season schedule will be out very soon, we are waiting on permits for field use. Thanks Coach John

Zoom Webinar with Brad Dufek National Collegiate Rubgy

Hello Coach dan Murphy has set up a great guest for us all. Brad Dufek of National Collegiate Rugby will be our guest speaker. We all think this is a great opportunity for our Players who are thinking about going to college in the future and playing Rugby. The coaching staff would like to ask that you (Parents and Players) please join us March 5th at 8pm for a very special Webinar. Host Brad Dufek will join our Youth Rugby teams U12 - U18 to discuss the world of College Rugby. Brad is the Men's Rugby Director and Division I & II Commissioner for National Collegiate Rugby (NCR) with over 600 universities now members - Division 1, 1 AA, 2, and 3. Topics to be discussed include: - What college rugby is like - College rugby landscape - Structure, divisions, organizations, travel, matches, tournaments, 7's, 15's etc - How to get noticed by college coaches and get your name out there - What advantages rugby can provide to college students (economic, academic, structure) - Plus Brad will be taking Q & A This is Brad's first time joining the Mudturtles so let's make him feel welcome, as this is an unparalleled opportunity to learn more about Rugby after high school. Link included in email Meeting ID: 894 9875 3230 Passcode: Union When Wednesday Mar 5, 2025 ⋅ 8pm – 9:30pm (Eastern Time - New York)

Zoom Meeting Link

Spring 2025 youth Rugby Registration is OPEN

Hello, Our youth Rugby registration is open now. Please remember this is a TWO part registration. You must register your player with USA RUGBY/RUGBY XPLORER (link included), and get a registration number before registering and paying on our website. WWW.MUDTURTLERFC.COM. This season we have included an early bird discount Middle School U12/U14 Before 3/1 $250 after 3/1 $275 High School U/16 U/18 Before 3/1 $300 after 3/1 $325 So please register early and take advantage... Coach John


REMINDER Parents meeting tonight

Hello, We will be hosting a parents information meeting for our upcoming Spring 2025 tackle season for our youth teams, U12/U14 (Middle School), and U16/U18 (HIGH SCHOOL). Please join us tonight 1/15/25, 7PM at The Cranford Community Center 220 Walnut Ave Cranford. All parents are welcome and encouraged to come to the meeting especially if this is your first season with us. We go over a lot of important information, and a lot of questions you may have will be answered. Some of our coaches will be available so you can meet them and ask any additional questions. I hope to see you all there. We're all looking forward to a successful season. GO UNION! Coach John John McElroy Director of Youth Rugby

Annual parents meeting for tackle Rugby Spring 25 season.

Hello, We will be having a parents information meeting for our upcoming Spring tackle season for our youth teams, U12/U14 (Middle School), and U16/U18 (HIGH SCHOOL). Please join us 1/15/25, 7PM at The Cranford Community Center 220 Walnut Ave Cranford. All parents are welcome and encouraged to come to the meeting especially if this is your first season with us. We go over a lot of important information, and a lot of questions you may have will be answered. Some of our coaches will be available so you can meet them and ask any additional questions. I hope to see you all there. We're all looking forward to a successful season. GO UNION! Coach John John McElroy Director of Youth Rugby

5th Annual Bob Scheurer Winter Classic

Join us for our 5th Annual Bob Scheurer Winter classic High School game! Sunday 12/15/24 @ Madison Ave Park Rahway 1333 Madison Ave. Kick Off @ 11AM There will be food and Winter Classic promotional T-shirts while supplies last. Its always a very fun day for us, so please come out and support our High School boys and watch some RUGBY! This is a recruiting event for our high school boys so if you or your player knows someone who is interested in Rugby please have them join us and check it out! There will be a food and coat drive during the event we will be accepting canned / dry food items for Rahway food for friends, and new or gently used coats in good repair. WE WILL ALSO HAVE MERCHANDISE FOR SALE, JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS. Coach meet-and-greet following the game at SUN TAVERN 600 Westfield Ave Roselle Park NJ. Come hang out with the coaches and other parents. Don't be shy! Adults only PLEASE. SEE YOU THERE

Lady Mudturtle Fundraiser

Our Lady's are on a roll again and moving on to to compete for the National Title in 2025. Since this involves travel and overnight costs they are having a Pop-Up Popcorn fundraiser to offset costs. See link below to help support the Lady Mudturltes, thanks.

Pop Up Popcorn Sale

5th Annual Bob Scheurer Winter Classic

Good Evening, Apologies for not including the DATE, TIME, LOCATION on the last email. WINTER CLASSIC KICKOFF @ 11 AM MADION AVE PARK RAHWAY 1333 Madison Ave Rahway SUN TAVERN @ 2PM We will have a merch table JUST IN TIME for the HOLIDAYS! So you can stock up on MUDTURTLE GEAR! SEE YOU THERE

5th Annual Bob Scheurer Winter Classic

Hello, Please join us for our 5th annual Winter Classic. Our High School team will be playing a friendly match against a mixed side from other teams. This is a big recruitment day for our High School teams so come out and watch some RUGBY! We will have food and Winter Classic T-shirts while they last. After the game, please join the Coaches, other parents and people from the club at Sun Tavern 600 Westfield Ave Roselle Park to meet everyone. Adults only please.

Mudturtles care

Greetings, As we move into the Holiday Season we want to show Mudturtles care. We will start Friday Dec 6 at the Holiday party. There will be a collection box accepting items to be donated to St. Joseph Social Service Center. They have their Giving Tree program which provides holiday gifts of clothing, toiletries, winter accessories, gift cards, and children's toys to our sister and brothers experiencing poverty. See link below for more information. If you are not attending the party and want to donate you can drop items at Brad-Pak 124 South Ave Garwood NJ Monday Dec 2 -Friday Dec 6 from 8:00-4:30. The Mudturtles will also be running a charity touch tournament to benefit "Embrace Kids" details to come.

St. Joe Giving Tree 2024

Youth Tackle Sponsorship Opportunities

Good morning, As we prepare for the 5th Annual Bob Scheurer Memorial Winter Classic on December 15th, and the broader Tackle season this Spring, we wanted to make an ask of all Mudturtles. The Youth Tackle program does everything it can to run at the lowest cost possible to our players. We want to expand opportunities for the kids in our area, and sometimes that means operating at a loss. Sponsorships are a big help to the organization in managing our operating costs while keeping season dues low. The Youth Tackle program as a whole is always seeking sponsorships, and has the ability to accept sponsorship funding through a non-profit corporation account, which makes any sponsorship a tax deductible donation. If anyone within the club owns a business, or knows someone with a business, that would be interested in becoming a sponsor of the Youth Tackle program, please have them reach out to John McElroy, Youth Tackle Director, at Thank you all for your time, consideration, and willingness to help us continue to grow our Youth Tackle program. Ryan 'Tree' Murphy, M.S., Rutgers YSRC Clinician, CYSA President, Union County Rugby Football Club Corporation Head Coach, Union County High School Boys Varsity Rugby

FREE Rugby Skills Clinic 11/9 ,11/16

Hello, We are hosting a FREE Rugby skills clinic This Saturday 11/9 & next Saturday 11/16 from 10-12 at Unami Park Cranford. BE ON TIME (15 minutes early) cleats on and ready to work! The skills clinic is free, but all participants MUST BE REGISTERED WITH USA RUGBY (see link below) we strongly suggest all current and future players attend. No experience necessary. Please try and make both clinics. Please make sure your player is registered, has a mouthguard, and water. Cleats are strongly suggested. The USA Rugby registration page will bring you to Rugby Xplorer, register there. After you register your player, please take a screenshot of their profile page with the registration number and give it to the coaches. See you there Coach John And the U12 U14 coaches Dan Jaco and Neal


Mudturtle 50th Day Saturday October 12 at Unami

Remember this Saturday October 12 at Unami Park will be "50th DAY" to celebrate 50 years of Union County rugby. Last Saturday saw a big crowd come out to cheer on the Mudturtles, first the ladies who posted a 38-5 win over Long Island rugby. The men followed with a 24-5 win over Central Jersey Rugby. With these victories both the men and ladies continued their Fall season unbeaten streaks. This weekend the day starts at 11:00 with a Myths versus Legends flag match, open to any and all former players, fans, and family of Mudturtle rugby. Dust off your boots and show us you still have moves. Kegs will be tapped at noon. The men's A side will kick off at 1:00 against Bayonne, followed by a 3:00 kickoff of the B side also against Bayonne. After the matches there will be Hall of Fame Inductions inductees are as follows: Mike Sadowski, Jim Brady, Pat Burke, Curtis Noel, Billy Maclaney, and Will Galway. Drink up will follow. Don't miss out on a great day to get together with old friends at Unami.

Mudturtle Hockey Night

Join the Mudturtles Sunday October 27 to watch the NJ Devils take on the Anaheim Ducks, puck drop at 7:00. Ticket are $55.00 per person, limited amount so see link below and purchase your tickets today.

Mudturtle Hockey Night

Youth Tackle Intro to Rugby clinic for 10-14 year old Boys and Girls 10/5/24

Hello, We will be hosting a free CO-ED youth Rugby clinic 10/5/24 from 11am -12;30 @ Unami park Cranford. This is a GREAT opportunity to come out and give tackle Rugby a TRY! no experience necessary. Bring a friend! The clinic is free, but all Participants MUST be registered with USA RUGBY to attend. There is a link below to register with USA RUGBY via RUGBYXPLORER. Registrations are good from 8/31- 9/1 of each Calander year. There will also be a MENS team game after the clinic the kids are welcomed to stay and watch. 10/5/24 11am-12:30 (get there early and be prepared) all participants must have a mouthguard, and water. Cleats are STRONGLY encouraged Come out, have some fun, and give Rugby a try! We hope to see you there Coaches John, Dan and Jaco



Tomorrow Saturday July 20 is Mudturtle Flagfest at Madison Ave Park in Rahway. 1333 Madison Ave, behind the hospital. All are encouraged to come out and cheer on our future Mudturtles. There will also be an adults Myths VS Legends (MVL) flag game at the end of the Fest. All Mudturtles are invited to join in on the fun. MVL legends shirts will be available for $20 each, arrive early to get you shirt. MVL game starts after all flag games are over which is 11:30 to noonish in rugby time. There will also be a beer garden which opens during the MVL game and will stay open afterwards. Don't miss out this is always a great event which puts the fun into rugby.


Thank you so much to each and every one of you who came out to make the 50th Anniversary Celebration a night to remember. We were honored to give the early members of our club a celebration for all of the hard work and dedication to the Mudturtle family, and to look forward to the future of rugby at home and in the USA at large. Thank you again for your patience as we corralled everyone for photos. As promised, please check out the link below. We hope the album offers you some treasured keepsakes. Note that any photos that you download will not have the image watermark. Simply enter you email address to view albums. Let us continue to keep Union traditions strong and keep growing as both a rugby club and a part of the Union County community at large - Here's to another 50 years!



We know the rugby lifestyle includes procrastination but this is it, ticket sales for the 50th Gala ends at Midnight Friday May 24. Click on the link below and order now or you will be missing the biggest event in club history.


End of SPRING Season

Good afternoon, Our U12/U14 teams just finished their last games today, our High School sides last week, signaling the official end of our Spring season. Thanks to the KIDS they worked hard! I just wanted to take a minute and thank all of our Parents for volunteering by bringing food and helping out at games. Your generosity is always appreciated, THANK YOU! I especially want to thank our coaching staff who are all volunteers and do what they do because of their love of the game and our club. They are all there week in and week out donating their time and passing on their knowledge to all of our kids. THANK YOU, COACHES!!! TREE, JOHN, ANNA, BOGDAN, NEIL, RALPH, ARIES, CARLOS, DANIEL, JACO, ROB, and DAN M. You all did a fantastic job this year! Parents please sign your kids up for flag Rugby (K-8 Grade) which will be starting soon, we have an amazing flag Rugby program. Take a look at the MANY Rugby camps that are available this summer. An email went out not long ago that listed them all. Please have the kids watch RUGBY as often as possible. Watching it they will learn more about the game. Watch it with them... Our club has a lot of great events, Golf Outing, the 50th GALA, Saint Patrick's Parade march, Mens and Womens games... get involved don't be shy come and hang out with us. Rugby is a sport but it's a very social sport, take advantage of what the club has to offer. GET INVOLVED! See you all around Coach John John McElroy Director of Youth Rugby Union County Mudturtles RFC

Last call Mudturtle golf and gala

Be warned time is running out to sign up for the Mudturtle's 50th events. Last day to register for golf is this Sunday May 19. Last day to register for the Gala is next Thursday May 23. Click on link below to go to events page and register today. Thanks.

50th Golf and Gala

Level 1 Coaching Course

Good morning, The club is hosting a Level 1 Coaching Course in Clark on 7/14/24. This is the minimum requirement to be a certified Head Coach of a tackle program. If you are interested in becoming a certified coach, please consider registering as this is the closest course you will find. You can register here: You will need a Rugby Xplorer account prior to registering for the course. Any club member (including parents of current or former players) who attends the course will be reimbursed for the cost of their certification by the club. If you register, please contact Tree for information on how to obtain your reimbursement on completion of the course. Please direct any questions on the process to him as well. You can get in touch with him via email:

Coaching Course Registration

50th Anniversary Gala Tickets

The celebration of the Mudturtles 50th Year is less than a month away, being held 6:00 PM June 8, 2024 at the Galloping Hill Golf Club. This is a formal event including cocktails, dinner, awards, and dancing. Don't miss out on what promises to be one of the most memorial nights in club history. Use the link below to register. Should anyone traveling out of town require lodging for the weekend, there is a block of rooms reserved for our group at the Kenilworth Hotel. Please call the hotel directly at 800-775-3645 to make a reservation and request to book under "Union County Rugby Club 50th Anniversary Room Block." There will be shuttle transportation to and from the Gala for anyone utilizing the club room block. Finally, if you have any photographs or memorabilia you would be willing to contribute to the event, please reach out to Thank you.

50th Gala Dinner


​ Good Morning, Some of you may be aware that in addition to the High School Head Coach, I am also Club President of "The Big Turtle". The Turtle is currently working to set aside some funds for players who would like to attend a camp or clinic this summer to help supplement the cost to the parents. It's only a good thing that the players get to participate in a wider range of experiences, and we want as many people as possible to attend camps in the summer. With this being the first time we are implementing this, we are unsure of the exact amount we can offer, but we are fairly certain we will be able to offer something. This is open to all tackle players, from U14 - U18, including graduating Seniors. Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity, especially if you were on the fence about sending your player. Once we have a better idea of the budget and the amount of players attending camps, we will be able to reach out for your camp purchase receipt and reimburse you the decided amount. ​ Ryan 'Tree' Murphy, M.S. President, Union County Rugby Football Club Corporation Head Coach, Union County High School Boys Varsity Rugby (he/him) ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

Camp form / List of camps


THERE ARE SOME SPOTS LEFT DONT MISS OUT!!! Don't miss out!! Click on the link below to register for the June 7 Mudturtle Golf outing. Do note website is used for purchase of Golf & Lunch, Lunch only, and club/gear rental. To be a Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze Sponsor which includes a foursome contact Mike "OG" Rotella (908) 578-4774 or Brian "Cyborg" Ludlum (908) 578-8746 direct. Also contact them if you wish to sponsor a hole or know a business that wants to sponsor a hole. This event is limited to 25 foursomes so register today before all slots fill up.


Mudturtle Golf outing June 7th

Apologizes to those who tried to sign up for golf and may have gotten a sold out message seems we had a bug in the programming. This has been corrected spots are still open click the link below and register. Thank you.

Mudturtle Golf Outing

June 7th Mudturtle Golf Outing

Don't miss out!! Click on the link below to register for the June 7 Mudturtle Golf outing. Do note website is used for purchase of Golf & Lunch, Lunch only, and club/gear rental. To be a Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze Sponsor which includes a foursome contact Mike "OG" Rotella (908) 578-4774 or Brian "Cyborg" Ludlum (908) 578-8746 direct. Also contact them if you wish to sponsor a hole or know a business that wants to sponsor a hole. This event is limited to 25 foursomes so register today before all slots fill up.

Mudturtle Golf Outing 2024

Car Wash Tomorrow 4/13/24

Reminder We will be holding our annual Car Wash fundraiser for our youth teams at Brad Pak 124 South Ave Garwood Saturday 4/13 9-2 The kids at practice Thursday were given 10 tickets each @ $10 per ticket. Please have them pre sell what they can and return any money and unused tickets in an envelope with their name, tickets sold, balance unsold, at practice Thursday 4/11. (Ex. $50 / 5 unsold tickets ) This is an important fundraiser for us so please let your friends and family know. They can show up day of and get their car washed. We will also have Mudturtle Merchandise on sale for everyone who is interested. We hope to see all of you there. The teams will be working the car wash as scheduled U12. 8:00- 10am (set up) U14 10:00- 12pm (Coach will assign HS teams for car wash) HIGH SCHOOL (1) 12:00- 2 pm HIGH SCHOOL (2) 1- 3 pm ( break down) Please be early for your shifts.

Mudturtles say Hello Ball

Don't miss out on what is surely to be one of the best golf outing you will ever attend!!! Register now to join the Mudturtles as they take over the course at Ashbrook on June 7. See link below, once on page scroll down for details and to purchase tickets. Not a golfer purchase a lunch ticket and join in on the fun!! Current players, old boys, ancients, parent in flag or youth program, fans, and friends all are welcome to attend.

Mudturtle Golf Outing

Mudturtle Day at Unami Park Saturday April 13

Good things happened for the Mudturtles this past weekend. The men went to South Jersey posting a 44-19 win. The women went to and secured their first ever victory over Morris!!! This weekend Saturday April 13 is a full day at Unami with the Ladies B side playing Montclair U at 11:00, followed by the Men D3 kicking off against Brooklyn at 1:00 and D4 kicking off against Bayonne at 3:00. We encourage all Mudturtles to come out and support lets fill up Unami Park!! Also do not forget to first drop by the Mudturtle car wash that is being run by our youth tackle program. Location is at Brad-Pak 124 South Avenue Garwood, NJ.

Youth Car Wash 4/13/24 9am-2pm

Hello, We will be holding our annual Car Wash fundraiser for our youth teams at Brad Pak 124 South Ave Garwood Saturday 4/13 9-2 The kids at practice Thursday were given 10 tickets each @ $10 per ticket. Please have them pre sell what they can and return any money and unused tickets in an envelope with their name, tickets sold, balance unsold, at practice Thursday 4/11. (Ex. $50 / 5 unsold tickets ) This is an important fundraiser for us so please let your friends and family know. They can show up day of and get their car washed. We will also have Mudturtle Merchandise on sale for everyone who is interested. We hope to see all of you there. The teams will be working the car wash as scheduled U12. 8:00- 10am (set up) U14 10:00- 12pm (Coach will assign HS teams for car wash) HIGH SCHOOL (1) 12:00- 2 pm HIGH SCHOOL (2) 1- 3 pm ( break down) Please be early for your shifts Thanks see you then Coach John

March Schedule


Practice Tonight and Thursday RAHWAY RIVER PARK

Hello, Practice is on for tonight we will be at Rahway River Park ( football field center of park), going forward Tue and Thur at Rahway River Park 6:30- 8 pm. Sunday 3/10 inside Rahway Rec Center ( last Sunday ) We will be putting up a game and practice schedule on the website calender soon. See you tonight!

Mudturtle Pub Crawl 2024

All adult Mudturtless are welcome to join this years pub crawl. Assembling at Unami Park at noon this Saturday March 2 pub crawling from there, rain or shine. Players, fans, parents of flag and youth players, all are welcome. The more the merrier see you there!!!

practice tonight 2/29/24

Practice tonight RABKIN PARK UNION ( Swanstrom pl E Union NJ) please DRESS for the cold. as always... mouthguard and water High School teams 6pm-8pm U12/U14 teams 6:30- 8pm see you tonight!


Save the date March 9 2024, the Mudturtles will be marching in the Union County St. Patrick's Day Parade. All flag, youth tackle, adult players, old boys, and ancients along with parents, spouses, friends and fans are welcome. Details to follow shortly, thanks.

U12/ U14 Practice tomorrow 2/25/24

Hello, Just a reminder U12 and U14 will be at Rabkin Park Union tomorrow 9am until 11am. Please enter field through dugout entrance by snackbar/ tennis courts. make sure to have water and a mouthguard with you. Dress appropriately. See you tomorrow. Coach John ***HIGH SCHOOL TEAMS WILL BE AT RAHWAY REC CENTER 8am.***

Rabkin Park Union

Practice tonight 2/22/24

Hello, We were able to secure a practice spot for tonight we are going to keep it short one hour from 6-7pm Apologies for the short notice , we were having issues getting neccesary paperwork from USA RUGBY. We have it taken care of , so the upcoming schedule will be. 2/22/24. 6-7pm 2/25/24 9-11am 2/27/24 6:30-8 2/29/24 6:30-8 ALL @ RABKIN PARK UNION NJ enter from Stahuber Ave / Conlon soccer field to Swanstrom Dr. Please enter the pitch from the baseball dugout near the snackbar/ tennis courts. We realize this is very short notice and if you can not make it we understand. The Schedule for March will be on the club calander soon. In March we are at Rahway River Park. See you tonight Coach John

No practice Sunday 2/11/24

Reminder there is no practice tomorrow Sunday 2/11/24. See you next week.

Practice canceled for all teams Sunday

Hello, Unfortunately we have to cancel practice on Sunday 1/28/24. We do not have access to the Rahway Rec center. We will resume Sunday practice the following Sunday 2/4/24 same times. Please encourage the kids to watch some Rugby and workout on their own. Please make sure to sign up on our website for notifications for your child's team ( U12, U14, U16, U18), I have been including flag teams on notifications but I am going to stop that. Please sign up and make sure you're in the loop. Thank You Coach John

Parents meeting tonight for Spring Rugby

Good morning, Juat wanted to remind everyone we will be having a parents meeting tonight to prepare for our Spring '24' Tackle Rugby season. It's a great opportunity to get any questions you might have answered about the upcoming season, and meet some of the coaches. Parents new to the program are strongly encouraged to make it tonight. There is a lot of information to go over. Tonight 7-9 pm Cranford Community/Rec Center 220 Walnut Ave. Coach John


Don't forget practice tomorrow For U12 & U14 at Rahway Rec center ( 3 city hall dr ) off E Milton. Get there before 930 Dressed in gym clothes and ready to work. We have a lot to get to. Make sure you have your Mouthguard and Water at every practice. See you tomorrow Coach John

Practice Canceled for 1/7

Due to the weather, and some people expressing having issues making practice tomorrow we are canceling. We were looking forward to our first practice... We will see you all next Sunday same time same place... Register with USA RUGBY if you haven't yet, and WATCH SOME RUGBY ON TV , YOUTUBE... WHATEVER! See you next week! Coach John

Important dates

Good Morning, Just wanted to remind everyone that our indoor practices start this Sunday 1/7 @ Rahway Rec Center 3 city hall dr ( off E Milton Rahway) U16/U18 8am to 10 see Coach Tree U12/U14 9:30- 11am see Coach Dan and Coach Jaco Please register with USA RUGBY ( LINK INCLUDED) players MUST be registered. Please be ready to go at your appointed time. Bring mouthguard and water. PARENTS MEETING Cranford Community Center 220 Walnut Ave Cranford. 1/18/24 7pm Please make sure to attend especially if its your first season with us. It's a great opportunity to meet some of the coaches and get any questions you might have answered. See you all soon Coach John

USA RUGBY Membership xplorer


Hello, We just wanted to announce that spring tackle registration is open! You can register your player for U12, U14, U16, U18 at any time on our website. please keep in mind that you need to be registered with USA RUGBY (LINK INCLUDED) before you can register with the club, it's a two-step process. OUR FIRST PRACTICE will be indoors at Rahway Recreation Center ( 3 City Hall Plaza off E Milton Ave Rahway) SUNDAY 1/7/24 U12 / U14 9:30 am to 11 am. U16/ U18 11 am to 12:30 pm Please be ON TIME there and ready to START by 9:30 / 11am we have a tight schedule and need to get everyone as much practice time as possible. make sure you have water and a mouthguard. SEE YOU THERE.... Coach John



Hello, Please join us for our annual High School team winter classic, this is always a really great day for everyone involved. The Bob Scheurer Winter Classic is a chance to have fun, play some off-season Rugby, and showcase what Rugby looks like to prospective players. We will have Food, Hot Chocolate, and of course Rugby! There will also be AWESOME club merchandise for sale, JUST IN TIME FOR THE HOLIDAYS! One stop shopping! If you know someone on the fence about trying Rugby, or someone who is just interested please bring them. High School Players for Union Rugby, and prospective players they bring will get a free commemorative T-shirt, while supplies last! So please Join us. KICK OFF AT 11AM MADISON AVE PARK RAHWAY We hope you can make it! Coach John


Players from our womens team will be hosting a Free GIRLS RUGBY Clinic for girls grades 5- 12 , on Saturday 11/4 @ Unami Park ( back pitch by circle) from 11:30-1. Please bring water and a mouthguard , cleats are strongly recommended.

Clinic today!

We will be on the back pitch near the bathrooms.


Hello, Please make sure to register your player with USA Rugby , they will not be able to do any contact without being registered. Please fill out the Google sign up sheet link below. Coaches will be there at 10:30 am so get there early and Please be completely ready to participate at 11am. Everyone needs to have a mouthguard no exceptions, and water. See you Saturday Coach John

Sign up sheet

FREE U12/U14 TACKLE CLINIC Saturday 10/21 & 10/28

FREE TACKLE RUGBY CLINIC Hello, We will be hosting free tackle rugby U12/U14 clinics for Boys and Girls ages 10-14 who are interested. Our U12 / U14 teams are CO-ED. The clinics will be held 10/21 & 10/28 at Unami Park Cranford/Garwood. ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE REGISTERED WITH USA RUGBY, LINK BELOW. Participants will have to provide their USA RUGBY registration number at the clinic. There is a USA RUGBY registration fee, but it is good until 8/31/24 ,so if your player decides to play in the spring the USA RUGBY registration will still be valid. Please try and make both dates if interested there is a lot to cover. PLAYERS MUST HAVE A MOUTHGUARD, Water, and we strongly recommend cleats. NO EXPERIENCE IS NECCESSARY we will teach you how to play Rugby. Get there early and be prepared to start promptly at 11am. See you there! Coach John

USA RUGBY Membership xplorer

Sign up sheet for Clinic 10/21 & 10/28

Hello, If your player will be attending our FREE TACKLE CLINIC On October 21st and 28th at Unami Please help us out and full in this sign up sheet. ( link for sign up in email) Also ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE REGISTERED WITH USA RUGBY! U12 and U14 are CO-ED. Thanks Coach John

Clinic sign up DOC


Hello, We will be hosting free tackle rugby U12/U14 clinics for Boys and Girls ages 10-14 who are interested. Our U12 / U14 teams are CO-ED. The clinics will be held 10/21 & 10/28 at Unami Park Cranford/Garwood. ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST BE REGISTERED WITH USA RUGBY, LINK BELOW. Participants will have to provide their USA RUGBY registration number at the clinic. There is a USA RUGBY registration fee, but it is good until 8/31/24 ,so if your player decides to play in the spring the USA RUGBY registration will still be valid. Please try and make both dates if interested there is a lot to cover. PLAYERS MUST HAVE A MOUTHGUARD, Water, and we strongly recommend cleats. NO EXPERIENCE IS NECCESSARY we will teach you how to play Rugby. Get there early and be prepared to start promptly at 11am. See you there! Coach John


Jersey fundraiser

The women's team is auctioning off our retired Blue Jersey set as a fundraiser. If you are interested in a jersey, please see the form below for the list of available numbers and corresponding sizes and to place a bid. The auction will end after our home game on October 7th (11am KO if you want to come support!) See link below.

Jersey Bids


For our fans who plan on attending the games at the Celtic Fest this Saturday Sept 9, do remember today is the last day to pre-purchase discount tickets for the event, see link below. $10.00 today, if you pay at the event is it $25.


Rugby at Union County Celtic Fest Saturday Sept 9, 2023

Saturday, September 9th is the First Annual Union County Celtic Festival, hosted at Oak Ridge Park in Clark (136 Oak Ridge Road Clark, NJ 07066). The Festival will be featuring rugby games during the day and the Mudturtles will be involved in ALL of them. This is the the schedule of games: 10:00am - High School Boys 7s 11:00am - Women vs Long Island 1:00pm - Youth Flag 2:00pm - D3 Men vs Morris 4:30pm - D4 Men vs Princeton While players will be admitted to the festival free of charge, there will be a fee for all others. Friends and family can use the following link to get discounted tickets to the festival for $10 rather than $25 at the gate. The code is good through Wednesday, 9/6 at midnight. For $10 the event will be well worth it. There is a lot on the festival grounds but it may be better to operate under the assumption that it will be full. Everyone should expect to park in the overflow area or additional offsite lot so allow a little extra time to arrive. A shuttle will bring us to the game and it isn’t far away. That this is an unfortunate, unavoidable downside to an otherwise awesome event.


Saturday July 22 Myths VS. Legends flag game

It's that time of year Mudturtle Rugby Flag Fest is this Saturday July 22, kids games kick off at 9:00. Location is Madison Ave Park in Rahway, 1300 Madison Ave (behind hospital) Following the kids games we will be having our annual Myths VS Legends Flag game open to all adult Mudturtles which include current and former players from all programs, friends, fans, and anyone else who purchases a Myths VS. Legends shirt for the low low price of $15. Myths kickoff to Legends around noonish. The Mudturtle beer garden will be open during and after the game.

Youth Tackle Board AGM - Monday, June 6th 7:30 pm @ Brad-Pak

We will be having our Youth Tackle Board AGM on Monday, June 6th 7:30 pm at Brad-Pak, 124 South Ave Garwood. The board will be going over several items parents and coaches are welcome to attend. Agenda Recap of the year for 7s, U12/U14 , U16 U18 teams. Budget present/ future. Plan for next year ( 7s, Winter Classic, fundraising, recruitment, and our plan for next year) Bylaws Coaching If there are any other items that should be added to the agenda please email me See you there, Coach John

Correction: Youth Tackle Board AGM - Monday, June 12th 7:30 pm @ Brad-Pak

Correction: We will be holding our Youth Tackle Board AGM on Monday, June 12th 7:30 pm at Brad-Pak, 124 South Ave in Garwood. Please update your calendar. Apologies for the mistake. Thank you, Coach John

Mudturtle 50th Anniversary Gear Sale Ends May 15th!

Monday, May 15th is the last day to place your orders on the Mudturtle Club Store for our 50th Anniversary gear. Don't miss out! Get your orders in now. For those who have made purchases, we thank you for your patience as we did extend the sale.

Shop 50th Anniversary Gear

Sean MacLaney

Sean MacLaney has been playing rugby for 16 years since he started in First grade with the Westfield Owls. This upcoming weekend, he is playing in the Division1A National Championship game - Navy vs. Cal on May 6, 2023, which can be watch on therugbynetwork at 7:30 pm. During the playoffs, he was voted the "Man of the Match" in Navy's win over Army when Sean lead his team with their opening try of the game.

Watch On The Rugby Network

Games for Sunday, April 30th

Tomorrow's U12/U14 games will be held at Franklin High School in Somerset, NJ. We will be on turf again, so we recommend leggings and long sleeves. U12 have a 10am warm-up and 11am kick-off time. U14 have an 11am warm-up and 12pm kick-off time. Let's go Mudturtles!

Car Wash April 29th Cancelled

Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate yet again. We are cancelling the car wash for tomorrow, Saturday the 29th, but will try to reschedule for a later date. If you have purchased tickets, please hold onto them. Thank you.

Car Wash April 29th 9am-2pm

Get your car washed and help support our Youth Tackle program this Saturday, April 29th from 9am - 2pm at Brad-Pak, 124 South Avenue, Garwood, NJ. A fun fundraiser for all! Don't miss out.

Rugby New York -vs- Old Glory Sunday March 5

This Sunday, March 5, you have a chance to watch a legacy of Mudturtle Rugby play professionally as Michael "Chicken" Dabulas and Old Glory of Washington DC travel to New York to take on RUNY. See link below for game and ticket information.

High School Camo Supporters

Want to help support the High School program? See link below flyer for Camo Jersey fundraiser coach Ryan "Tree" Murphy is taking orders until February 28. Contact him, email below, to order yours today, perfect item to wear to the boys games and show support.

View Flyer