Important inflormation about our club's games and events are posted here.
Gents, Please fill out the availability doc attached. We will use this document in determining teams. This Saturday marks the first of 7 matches and we need all hands on deck! We've had a great start to this seasons training, we need everyone to keep coming out to take the next step in our skill development and team cohesion. We have a lot of great competition this year versus playoff bound teams and top regional teams including a local club, Monmouth, who boast not having lost to a New Jersey side since 2021! Let's keep practicing with full intensity and intent; see you at training tonight @ Rahway River Park 7:30pm sharp. For the Club, Coach DeLucia
Save the date and get your tickets, May 30 is the Union County RFC Golf Outing and Ashbrook Golf Course in Scotch Plains. See Link below for further details and to book your spots. All players, alumni, fans, parents from flag or youth tackle are encouraged to enjoy the day with the Mudturtles.
Hello, High school team scrimmage today at Madison Ave Park Rahway We will have shorts for sale before the game from 3-4pm. Kickoff is at 4 shorts will be available again immediately after the game. Card PAYMENTS ONLY please.
Upcomging games are posted here for all clubs. A complete game & practice schedule can be found on the club's home page.
Our sponsor's generosity helps to support youth rugby programs in our community. Please show them some love in return.